chinazone都会新闻 上海外来引进人才补贴 上海加大招徕海外外人才

As Chinas largest economic central city, Shanghai should actively give full play to its highly globalized resource endowment and actively build a global high-level talent hub by building an institutional framework for the flow and agglomeration of high-level talents, Serving the national strategy. By combing the successful experience of major countries and cities in attracting high-level talents, we found that strategic planning, immigration policies, headhunting companies, employment methods, platform carriers, supporting environment and cash subsidies are effective means to attract high-level talents, and relevant practices are worth learning from.


I. Seven ways for major countries and cities in the world to effectively attract high-level talents


i. Establish a systematic top-level strategy for urban talents

(一)树立系统化的人才顶层策略The talent strategy of global key cities is not only a part of the urban strategy, but also significantly different from other urban development plans. It is far better than the special strategies of other cities in terms of importance and completeness.


First, most of the worlds key cities have detailed talent strategic planning. The main talent plans of New York City include "NYC talent draft", "Applied Sciences NYC", "NYC tech talent pipeline", etc. through the "NYC talent draft" plan, students from major colleges and universities across the country are introduced to supplement scientific and technological talents from abroad. At the same time, the "Applied Sciences NYC" plans to establish parks and schools to cultivate their own local scientific and technological talents. The "NYC tech talent pipeline" program quickly provides available scientific and technological talents for the science and technology industry. The mayor of London has proposed the "visa for innovative talents" and the "visa for innovative talents" program, such as "building a new talent center in London with the help of the mayor of London, and the" SF "program. The small business loan guarantee (sflg) program helps all kinds of people come to London to start businesses, provide easy access to loans, establish new enterprises and attract talents. Due to the lack of local talent resource market, London pays more attention to talent absorption and overseas introduction, which is reflected in the above policies.

一是环球重点具备具体的人才策略布局。纽约市关键的人才布局有“NYC Talent Draft”、“Applied Sciences NYC”、“NYC Tech Talent Pipeline”等,经过“NYC Talent Draft”方案引入全国各大高校的在校生,外来科技人才,同时“Applied Sciences NYC”方案树立园区和学校,造就自己外乡的科技人才。“NYC Tech Talent Pipeline”方案则为科技迅速提供可用科技人才。伦敦市关键人才布局有“伦敦签证”、“特征猎头系统”、“小企业存款(SFLG)方案”等,“伦敦签证”由市长提出设立,低劣技术人才和时兴设计师极速取得签证,来伦敦开拓新创意,创立新企业,置身于这个环球人才中心。“小企业存款(SFLG)方案”则各类人员来伦敦启动守业,提供易取得的存款途径,树立新企业,吸引人才。伦敦由于外乡人才资源市场的匮乏,愈加注重人才的排汇和海外引进,在上述政策中皆有所表现。

Second, the strategic planning of talents has been promoted to the position of paying equal attention to urban planning. The New York 2050 plan fully absorbs the contents of the talent plan NYC talent draft and focuses on establishing a fair talent environment in the 2050 plan. More than 80% of Tokyos innovation 25 strategy is about talent development.

二是人才策略布局优化到了与布局偏重的位置。纽约2050布局排汇了人才方案NYC Talent Draft的内容,在2050布局中重点突出树立偏心的人才环境。东京的翻新25策略80%的内容是无关人才开展的。

Third, in terms of system and mechanism design, talent strategic planning often adheres to creating an environment for recognizing, loving and using talents. In the process of building a global talent hub in London, special attention is paid to labor regulations, housing, education and immigration, which directly affect the labor force in London. Emphasize the comprehensive experience in talent introduction, talent utilization and human settlements. New York has established a portal covering education, employment, housing, social services, health and safety for cross-border talents, providing information about living and working in cities.


Chapter 1 talent development planning of global key cities source: Official Website of global cities

Source: Official Website of global key cities

ii. Systematic and perfect immigration policy


A systematic and complete immigration policy system has become a key measure for major countries in the world to attract high-level talents from abroad. For example, the United States divides high-level talents into five categories: outstanding talents (EB-1), potential talents (eb-2), highly skilled talents (eb-3), religious talents (eb-4) and entrepreneurial talents (EB-5). The immigration policy of each category of talents covers qualification recognition, accompanying relocation of family members, financial burden, public welfare and other contents, and evaluates the qualification of such immigrants in combination with the point system. At the same time, some countries have gradually recognized dual nationality. In 2008, South Korea announced conditional recognition of the dual nationality of South Korean citizens and foreign talents, bringing about more than 1 million high-level talents. India opened dual citizenship in 2003, and many Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley returned to New Delhi, Mumbai and other cities for development.


iii. Talent introduction mechanism of "government + headhunter"


Headhunting companies use the "information gap" between talent supply and demand to organize the search for senior management talents and talents in key technical positions around the world. Major city governments recruit talents by directly purchasing the global services of headhunters. For example, the London municipal government spends £ 2.2 million a year to purchase Hays (Note: the worlds top human resource management company, headquartered in London, whose main business is the recruitment and management of global talents) services, which can directly collect information about high-level talents in 34 countries and 262 cities and provide it to relevant government agencies. Los Angeles City Government and Korn ferry With the signing of strategic cooperation, Korn ferry international continues to provide Los Angeles with talents in high-tech industry and financial service industry. In addition, the US government encourages local headhunting companies to enter the international senior talent market through preferential policies such as tax reduction and exemption, the establishment of headhunting funds and government subsidies. At present, five of the worlds top 10 human resources companies are from the United States.

猎头公司应用人才供应和需求的“消息差”在环球范围内组织搜索上层治理人才和关键技术岗位人才。关键政府经过间接购置猎头公司的环球服务,招聘低劣人才。例如,伦敦市政府每年破费220万英镑,购置瀚纳仕(Hays)(注:环球顶级的人力资源治理公司,总部在伦敦,关键业务是环球人才的招聘和治理)服务,可间接管集34个国度和262个高水平人才的关系消息,并提供应政府关系机构经常使用。洛杉矶市政府与光芒国际(Korn Ferry)(注:环球总支出排名第1的猎头公司,在环球50多个国度领有7500名人力资源顾问。)签订策略协作,光芒国际为洛杉矶市提供高科技和金融服务业人才。,美国政府经过减免税、设立猎头基金、政府补贴等活动政策,处罚外乡猎头公司进军国际初级人才市场。目前,环球前10大顶级人力资源公司就有5家来自美国。

iv. Sharing mode of talent circulation


With the gradual recognition of the concept of "not for all, but for use" of talents, the wave of global circulation of accepting high-level talents is setting off. (Note: talent circulation refers to those high-level talents do not work in one city or institution, but move frequently around the world, presenting a "migratory bird" working mode in different countries or cities.) The governments of New York and Tokyo have actively established overseas talent systems, built career channels and bridges for circulating talents, and promoted government departments and enterprises to make full use of overseas talent resources. Through the "Contact Singapore" portal, Singapore provides channels for foreign talents to serve Singapore and Contact Singapore business, and actively establishes a platform to connect global talents with Singapore employers, which has played a positive role in balancing Singapores high-level human resources. At the same time, the issuance of residence cards is more flexible than green cards. The "Indian card" (for foreign Indians and their children) and "Indian overseas citizenship card" (for foreign non Indians) implemented in India have higher convenience than ordinary green cards. In addition to the right to vote and be elected, they can enter India many times in their life without residence period, registration with the entry authority, and free access to national parks, nature reserves Historical sites, etc. By the end of 2020, India has issued more than 15 million "overseas Indian citizenship cards" and "Indian descent cards", which has greatly promoted the return and circulation of overseas Indian talents.


v. High end business platform


High end career platforms are easy to form an "ecosystem" for high-level talents and produce a strong magnetic field effect of "gathering talents with talents". Major countries and cities around the world focus on attracting and utilizing global scientific research talents by building high-end scientific research institutions. There are three of the worlds top five scientific research platforms (the European Nuclear Research Center in Switzerland, the North Alamos National Laboratory in the United States, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States, Bell Laboratories in the United States and the Chinese Academy of Sciences). Relying on the innovation platform, these three high-end scientific research institutions gather and attract top talents, and all kinds of global top talents come here, At present, there are more than 100 Nobel Prize winners and more than 1000 academicians. In addition, as a gathering place for research institutions and universities jointly researched and developed by officials and people, South Korea Dade science and Technology City integrates scientific research, production and scientific and technological personnel training. It has established 4 universities and 49 scientific research institutions, employs more than 4500 experts from 70 countries, and leads the world in the fields of microelectronics, new materials, fine chemicals, bioengineering, optics and aerospace industry.


vi. Tolerant cultural atmosphere


The cultural atmosphere of international language environment, tolerance of failure and courage to innovate can attract more innovative talents to develop. Major countries and cities around the world focus on creating a diversified language environment in creating a talent environment. For example, government offices in New York provide services in six foreign languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and French. At the same time, pay attention to the establishment of a cultural atmosphere of "tolerance for failure" and "no responsibility for trial and error". Most Japanese enterprises have the recognition system of "loser resurrection system" and "great failure Award". Beijing Zhongguancun has written "tolerating failure" into its development plan to form a mechanism of sharing trial and error costs.


vii. Direct cash subsidy


With the fierce competition for talents in cities at home and abroad, major cities have introduced different degrees of cash subsidies to continuously increase the amount of Talent Awards and cash subsidies. London provides a living allowance of £ 12000 a year for undergraduate graduates and £ 20000 for master graduates working in London. Shenzhen will give corresponding rewards and subsidies according to the level of scientific researchers. In 2018, Shenzhen absorbed 2678 high-level talents through awarding subsidies of 2.35 billion yuan, including a living subsidy of 240 million yuan for post doctors in the station. In the past five years, the average annual growth rate of the number of post doctors in Shenzhen has exceeded 30%, and the newly introduced post doctors who graduated from domestic double first-class universities or the top 150 universities ranked by the overseas times have reached 50%.


II. We should fully learn from relevant international experience and strengthen the attraction of high-level global talents


i. Formulate the global talent hub strategy and innovate the talent flow and competition mechanism


First, it is suggested to formulate the 2035 Shanghai global high-level talent hub strategic plan and carry out system creation and project design around the whole links of talent introduction, employment, education, retention and respect. The planning focuses on the establishment of vision, objectives and index system, the construction of classified talent policy system, the smooth flow and gathering channels of global high-level talents, the planning of talent introduction projects, the formulation of talent development and promotion and urban brand communication strategies, the opening and integration of channels and paths of global talent network, and the creation of international talent development environment, so as to promote the implementation step by step and orderly. Second, increase institutional innovation in talent allocation. Improve the talent market allocation mechanism, establish a supply and demand mechanism, price mechanism and competition mechanism in line with international standards, give full play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of talent resources, and give full play to the basic, fundamental and sustainable role of the market mechanism in allocating innovative resources and promoting the rapid integration and high-level integration of talents, science, technology and capital.


ii. Relax the immigration access policy and create a "million talents" introduction plan


We will strive to decentralize the examination and approval authority of foreigners permanent residence, strive for the support of the Ministry of public security, promote the implementation of skilled migration policies as soon as possible, and implement the quota management and filing system by the state. We will promote the implementation of the points system, give high points to high-level talents, ensure that they can obtain permanent residence right when they are introduced, facilitate entry and exit and enjoy all kinds of social security. Key points include C-level talents, i.e., CEO, CFO and other senior management personnel; PM level talents, namely professionals and managers; Class Y talents are young talents at the early stage of their career. Relying on the new area near the port, launch the "million talent introduction plan". Implement the "negative list" management mode, adhere to "not for all, but for use", and actively introduce high-level global talents.


iii. Connect with the headhunting market and further consolidate and improve the high-level talent search platform


Map the distribution of top technologies and teams in the world. Actively connect with the global network of world-famous headhunting companies and collect talents and team information with industry-leading level and cutting-edge technology around the core links and key elements of the citys industrial chain. Strengthen the international talent business guidance of headhunters in Shanghai, give full play to the role of functional departments in policy coordination and information sharing, and consolidate the foundation of market-oriented talent resource allocation.


iv. Explore the establishment of "contact Shanghai" Affairs Bureau and layout the global high-level talent service network


The "contact Shanghai" bureau was established to try to set up sites in key global cities and regions to provide one-stop services for global elites who are interested in seeking career development opportunities in Shanghai. Establish a "contact Shanghai" Chinese and English website, integrate the latest information of various talent activities and talent recruitment fairs in Shanghai, and build a communication platform for the supply and demand of high-level talents.


(5) Build a working platform for overseas high-end talents and build a carrier support for building nests and attracting Phoenix


Set up "scientific and technological innovation strategic special zone" or "offshore innovation and entrepreneurship base" in specific universities, scientific research institutes and high-tech parks; Build an "information platform for world-class scientific research institutions" to provide>在特定的大学科研院所、高科技园区等设立“科技翻新策略特区”或“离岸翻新守业基地”;构建“国际一流科研机构消息平台”,为引进国际一流科研机构、推进国际科研协作提供数据开通撑持。

vi. Create an international cultural atmosphere and build a high-quality talent environment


We will improve the overseas talent service platform, strengthen the service function, and provide foreigners with various services such as multilingual career counseling. Focus on improving the foreign language service level in public areas, and establish unified foreign language service standards and norms in window departments. Create an urban culture that embraces all rivers, pursues excellence, is open-minded, wise and modest, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with world-famous media and cultural communication institutions, and meet the various needs of talents at home and abroad in information, art, culture and religious beliefs. Cultivate a social fashion that encourages innovation and tolerates failure.


vii. We will increase institutional innovation in talent incentives and provide internationally competitive compensation and benefits


Expand and integrate the "Shanghai Talent Development Fund" project and "Pujiang plan" and other overseas returnees and create a special financial fund to attract global talents for various awards, subsidies and subsidies for the introduction and training of high-level talents; Take tax policy as the main regulation means and reduce costs and risks for innovation and entrepreneurship activities of all kinds of talents through tax reduction and exemption. We will increase investment in human capital and actively explore ways for recognized high-level talents to invest and take shares in human capital such as intellectual property rights, scientific and technological achievements and R & D skills.


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