口腔资讯 正畸记载软件 软件资讯 正畸软件公司OrthoSelect与Relu协作启动软件集成


OrthoSelect和Relu协作集成了他们先进的正畸软件DIBS AI和Relu Engine CBCT可视化,为正畸医生提供了简化治疗方案的3D见地。

OrthoSelect and Relu have teamed up to integrate their advanced orthodontic software, DIBS AI and Relu Engine CBCT visualization, providing orthodontists with 3D insights for streamlined treatment planning.

OrthoSelect Partners with Relu for Software Integration. Image credit: © OrthoSelect © Relu

口腔正畸软件公司OrthoSelect刚刚宣布与锥形束计算机断层扫描(CBCT)专家Relu启动新的协作。依据OrthoSelect的资讯稿,这一协作同伴相关将把OrthoSelect公司的DIBS AI®软件平台与Relu®Engine CBCT可视化软件集成在一同。

OrthoSelect, an orthodontics software company, has just announced a new collaboration with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) experts Relu. This partnership will integrate OrthoSelects DIBS AI® software platform with the Relu® Engine CBCT visualization software, according to a press release from OrthoSelect.

DIBS AI和Relu Engine技术的融合旨在让从业者对患者的牙科景观有新的了解。依据资讯稿,有了这个集成系统,正畸医生可以取得牙齿、牙根、骨结构和气道的片面3D视图,有助于准确的治疗方案并放慢治疗结果。据报道,这种整合将使从业者能够简化治疗环节,缩小复位,并减轻临床应战,如开窗、裂开和根部碰撞。

The fusion of DIBS AI and Relu Engine technology aims to empower practitioners with new insight into their patients dental landscapes. With this integrated system, orthodontists gain access to comprehensive 3D views of teeth, roots, bone structures, and airways, facilitating precise treatment planning and accelerating treatment outcomes, per the press release. This integration will reportedly enable practitioners to streamline treatment processes, reduce repositions, and mitigate clinical challenges such as fenestrations, dehiscence, and root collisions.

这一协作同伴相关旨在繁难经常使用,为从业者提供拖放界面,将患者的DICOM®图像从CBCT扫描上行到DIBS AI系统。这种与口腔内扫描的集成简化了病例设置环节,为正畸医生提供了每个患者共同牙齿特色的完整概述,以成功有效的审批和治疗方案。

This partnership aims for ease-of-use, with a drag-and-drop interface for practitioners to upload patients DICOM® images from CBCT scans to the DIBS AI system. This integration with intraoral scans streamlines the case setup process, providing orthodontists with a cohesive overview of each patients unique dental profile for efficient approval and treatment planning.

CBCT集能是作为DIBS AI的附加选项提供的,准许从业者依据团体案例需求定制其经常使用。由于没有最低病例需要或,这种协作相关确保了这项技术在各种规模的正畸通常中都触手可及。

The CBCT integration feature is offered as an add-on option to DIBS AI, allowing practitioners to tailor their usage based on individual case needs. With no minimum case requirements or long-term commitments, this partnership ensures that this technology is within reach for orthodontic practices of all sizes.

OrthoSelect总裁Steven Gardner在资讯稿中表白了他对协作的热情,“咱们选择与Relu协作,由于咱们的两个系统相互得很好,而且Relu平台十分完善,技术也十分棒。”

Steven Gardner, President of OrthoSelect, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration in the press release, “We decided to work with Relu because our 2 systems complement each other so well, ad the Relu platform is so polished and such a great technology.”

Relu的首席口头官兼联结人Holger Wilhems也表白了这一观念,强调了将CBCT配置与数字牙套相结合的扭转游戏规定的后劲。“DIBS AI总是让咱们印象深入,由于它可以很容易地将支架治疗转化为数字治疗。咱们真的很自豪DIBS AI参与了Relu引擎的CBCT配置,最终让正畸医生能够看到牙冠之外的物品。”

Holger Wilhems, CEO and Co-founder of Relu, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the game-changing potential of integrating CBCT capabilities with digital braces. “DIBS AI always impressed us by making it easy to turn regular brace treatments into digital ones. We’re really proud that DIBS AI has added the CBCT power of the Relu Engine, finally allowing orthodontists to see beyond the crown.”

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